2 September 2021

ADI World Alzheimer's Month

ADI World Alzheimer's Month September 2021

World Alzheimer’s Month is an international campaign to raise dementia awareness and challenge stigma, which TauRx intend to support through our own media channels.

This September will be the tenth World Alzheimer’s Month campaign. World Alzheimer's Month, including World Alzheimer's Day on 21 September, was founded by Alzheimer's Disease International as part of an awareness raising programme and is now observed by almost all of ADI’s 100 member Alzheimer associations.

Each year World Alzheimer Month has a theme and this year ending stigma around dementia diagnosis, will be the focus. Dementia is widely considered a normal part of ageing and not recognised as a disease, and national rates of diagnosis vary across the world. A timely diagnosis can enable an individual to seek the care and treatment they need; access information, resources and support; benefit from support and the available drugs and non-drug therapies that can improve cognition; maximise quality of life and provides the ability to plan and adapt for their future.

ADI's 2021 World Alzheimer Report will therefore focus on national diagnosis rates and data, recording gaps, barriers to collection, opportunities and recommendations for governments and healthcare systems. The report will consider warning signs and new technological advances in monitoring functional and neurological change, including ‘at home’ interventions. ADI will showcase the importance of early intervention and diagnosis.

There is an incredible amount of innovation taking place in the diagnostic field and the report will explore progress and consider the implications of breakthroughs on healthcare system preparedness. In addition, ADI hope to shine a light on some of the difficulties around misdiagnosis, highlight shared signs and symptoms with other conditions, and challenge some of the misinformation about Alzheimer’s and dementia that is in circulation.

ADI will be using the hashtags #Know Dementia, #Know Alzheimer's on social media.

World Alzheimer's Month

TauRx is pleased to be involved with raising awareness of this important month, alongside our joint venture company GT Diagnostics who are Gold sponsors of the campaign. GT Diagnostics will also be participating in a special ADI World Alzheimer Report 'Innovation in Diagnosis & Diagnostics' webinar on 19 October 2021.

Look out for social media posts on #WorldAlzMonth from Alzheimer's Disease International and be sure to show your support for this crucially important campaign.